Swapping Books for Spades
28th October 2022
This morning, I donned my wellies and spent a lovely hour with colleagues from East Ren Council’s Environment team, Sam and Mark, helping them and other volunteers to plant the last of the remaining trees from the ‘Wee Woods’ project.
‘Wee Woods’ is a Cop26 legacy project organised by the Environment team and has seen over 11,000 trees planted across East Renfrewshire! Today’s planting session brings the total to an incredible 27 Wee Woods- how amazing! Each Wee Wood is about the size of a tennis court and has around 400 new trees ready to flourish for future generations to enjoy. A wee pause in the digging/ planting gave me a chance to speak to the team about The Root Cause Project and we are looking forward to seeing how we can continue to support our sustainable projects.