Second-hand September, promoted and organised by Oxfam, encourages us all to say no to fast fashion and to choose a more planet-friendly way to shop.

Pop along to Mearns library between 9th and 12th September and take a look at our ‘Shop for Free’ Accessories event. No need to donate anything in order to take something but if you do have any accessories that you no longer wear, please do consider handing in to any library to support the event and prevent more items heading to landfill.


Our brand new Community Garden at Thornliebank Library is now officially open! The torrential rain did not dampen our spirits or stop local school pupils, volunteers and community leaders from coming along on Monday to the open day.

Thankfully the rain stayed off while pupils from Thornliebank primary visited and was lovely to see their excitement as they explored the space that they helped to design back in 2022. A firm favourite was the amazing bug hotel, built by local volunteer Chris, which the pupils helped furnish with moss, pine cones and sticks for the little bug residents.

The garden has planters for growing fruit and vegetables, fruit trees and seating areas for children and adults, ladybird crossing and children’s games, as well as vegetable planters, rhubarb and herbs, apple and gooseberry trees and various plants that attract bees and butterflies. A potting table, cold stores, garden storage and composter completes the transformed space.

It was a lovely afternoon to showcase the space and to thank everyone who has been involved along the way, from library staff, local volunteers and Thornliebank Together.

We can’t wait to welcome you along to enjoy our new Community Garden!


We are excited to be working with ApparelXchange, a social enterprise dedicated to reuse, repair & recycling for childrenswear. Their mission is to reduce the impact of clothing on our planet.

Across 8 libraries, we have clothing bins available to collect all types of unwanted clothing & footwear, including school uniform, active wear, shoes, trainers and jackets for reuse. If you have any of these items you no longer need or can gift please clean, fold and bag up. Libraries with clothing bins available are; Barrhead Foundry Library, Busby, Clarkston, Eaglesham, Giffnock, Mearns, Neilston and Thornliebank.

All the donations will be collected by ApparelXchange sorted, quality checked, reused or recycled. They are available for reuse at low cost or for free to families who need some extra support. Lots of clothing still gets thrown away, when it can be reused for social and environmental good. So, have a pre-summer clear out, and bring in those donations. We really appreciate your support. To find out more about ApparelXchange, a social enterprise,  please visit their website;


It’s been a little over 18 months since we started work on the outdoor space at Thornliebank library garden so we thought we would share some before and after pictures to show some of the work done to date!

Thornliebank Library Garden

Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image Gallery Image


It’s World Environment Day- a chance to consider the adventurous ways that we can take sustainable action and feel all the benefits.​

Great news-we have rolled out the Seed Library and it is now running from Clarkston library and Mearns library as well as the original, Thornliebank Library.

We are collecting seeds, storing and giving out flower seeds to the local community for people to grow in their own spaces. Check out the previous Blog post to find out about the Seed Library and how you can play a part!

Bits and Bobs

We have also started up a ‘Bits and Bobs’ library at the above locations. We have jars ready with some buttons, thread and small haberdashery items that can come in handy. Like the seed library, you can donate any unwanted buttons, thread, zips etc. Anyone can come along and help themselves to any items available that they may need and this will hopefully help to cut down on buying new each time! Check out the Bits and Bobs jars at Clarkston, Mearns and Thornliebank.

Fast Fashion is a rapidly growing industry with real repercussion on wildlife and the environment. According to the Centre for Biological Diversity:

‘The fast fashion industry is a significant contributor to
the climate crisis, responsible for as much as 10% of
global carbon dioxide emissions.’


As part of our Earth Day activities we are running an Accessories Swap shop! If you have unwanted but good condition accessories, you can take them along to Clarkston Library between now and 22nd April and we will display them on the night in our pop-up swap shop.

Come along and join us for a chat about sustainability in fashion while picking up some pre-loved goodies.

Clarkston Library/ Monday 22nd April/ 4pm-7pm/ Refreshments provided

Fast Fashion is a rapidly growing industry with real repercussion on wildlife and the environment. According to the Centre for Biological Diversity:

‘The fast fashion industry is a significant contributor to
the climate crisis, responsible for as much as 10% of
global carbon dioxide emissions.’


We have received some extra funding as part of a National project called Shelf Life. Libraries across Scotland will be encouraging people to join the climate-change debate with funding from SLIC and here in East Ren we have some great activities to encourage people to get involved, learn, chat, discuss and create.

We are delighted to have Eilidh Weir along to deliver Visible Mending Workshops at several libraries. Eilidh is a textiles artist and visible mending enthusiast and will be showing us techniques for repairing/ upgrading clothes and keeping them out of landfill. Workshops are free and details are below. Spaces are limited so hurry! Check out further posts with details of other activities we have organised for children.

🧵Mearns Library / Monday 11th March / 1.30pm-4.30pm
4 ways to fix your socks – darning and more for woolens and stretchy fabrics

🧵Giffnock Library / Tuesday 12th March / 9.45am-12.45pm
Patch it up – the do’s and don’ts of mending clothes by hand

🧵Giffnock Library / Tuesday 19th March / 9.45am-12.45pm
4 ways to fix your socks – darning and more for woollens and stretchy fabrics

🧵Barrhead Foundry Library / Saturday 23rd March / 10.30am-1.30pm
Jean mending – learn how to fix denim and other fabrics by hand


30th Oct 2023

It is spooky season and everywhere you look there are Jack ‘O’ Lanterns adorning doorsteps and windows ready for Halloween. In the UK alone, we buy around 24 million pumpkins just for Halloween and more than half of us will simply throw them away afterwards. A whopping 18,000 tonnes end up in landfill every year, causing greenhouse gas emissions.

So here are some ideas for what to do with your pumpkin that are kinder to the planet.

  1. Keep the pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are delicious roasted and are a great source of fibre, iron and calcium whilst being low in carbs, high in protein. Why not spice them up and sprinkle your favourite seasoning on them before roasting. You can also make them sweet, dust a little cinnamon and sugar over warmed seeds. Yum!

BBC Good Food recommends the following:

  1. Boil some salted water in a large saucepan, add the cleaned seeds and boil for 5-10 minutes depending on the size, then drain on a kitchen towel.
  2. Toss the drained seeds with a little oil, some seasoning and spread evenly across a large baking sheet
  3. Roast the seeds at 180C/gas 4 for about 8-10 minutes.

You can also dry pumpkin seeds out and plant them again next year to see if you can grow your own pumpkin! Or why not hand in your seeds to the Seed Library at Thornliebank library for others to take away.

Add them to your compost. Cut your pumpkin into smaller pieces and add to a compost pile. The pumpkin will break down nicely and add valuable nutrients to the compost. If you do not have a compost pile, bring your pumpkin pieces along to Thornliebank library garden and we will add to our composter and use in the garden.

Bury it. If you have a garden, bury your pumpkin and let bugs enjoy feasting on it. In the same way as composting, the pumpkin will break down and add nutrients back in to the soil.

Make a delicious pumpkin soup. Why not borrow a recipe book from the library and have a go at making a yummy soup. You can also search through the many food magazines available, free, with your library card at Pressreader: Find out more here:


4th October

Isn’t this mosaic just fantastic! Following on from the previous blog post- some of the creative pupils visited us at the library to unveil the Eco Mosaic for the garden that they created as part of the Eco Camp.

The mosaic, based on the Root Cause Logo, was created using solely recycled materials by 24 young art enthusiasts during the first ever ERCLT Eco Art and Drama Camp, which ran during the summer holidays. 

The young people worked with experienced freelance arts and drama tutors during the camp, which featured eco-themed arts, crafts, design, drama and physical theatre activities. They designed and created the stunning mosaic based on the Root Cause logo design by Thornliebank Primary school pupils, and it will now take pride of place in Thornliebank Library’s garden. Now we just need to figure out the best way to hang it up…!


01st August 2023

During the school summer holidays, our Arts and Heritage Team in partnership with our libraries delivered our first ever Eco Art and Drama Camp.

The week-long camp took place at St Clares & Calderwood Lodge Primary, linking up with The Root Cause project throughout. Arts, crafts, design, drama and physical theatre activities were incorporated as 24 young people worked with our experienced freelance arts and drama tutors.

In drama, the young people learnt to work around themes of nature and use it as inspiration, with lots of things they found in nature used as props in scenes.

The Root Cause Project’s seed library was put to use, as the young people made seed bombs. The seed bombs were then ‘planted’ in the school’s playground – we can’t wait to see what will blossom!

The young people also tried their hand making paper in art. Damaged books that couldn’t be used anymore were collected from our libraries with the old bits of paper pulped. The young people followed the whole process and used the pulp to make new paper for drawing, writing and painting on, giving it a new purpose and demonstrated inventive ways of recycling.

Other activities over the busy week included working with clay to make pinch pots, finding out where clay comes from. We also made sure we were as environmentally friendly as possible, using recycled materials such as treesaver wood-free pencils, recycled paper and card and seeking alternatives to avoid the use of plastics such as in felt pens and acrylic paints.

The group of young people also used recycled materials to create a mosaic of The Root Cause logo, which we are very much looking forward to putting in the garden at Thornliebank Library for all to see.

Eco Camp Fun!

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