Big Garden Bird Watch
27th January 2023
Big Garden Birdwatch long weekend starts today. There’s still time to sign-up and take part. RSPB need your help- can you spend one hour between Friday 27 and Sunday 29 January counting the birds? If yes, you will be helping the RSPB to see how birds are faring. It’s free, fun and a great way to keep an eye on your local wildlife.
Why take part?
In the last 50 years, the UK has lost over 38million birds- that is a shocking figure and one that the RSPB are working hard to tackle, with your help. You can log your bird count online at: https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/birdwatch/ where you will also find lots of helpful tips and info to help our feathered friends. So grab a pen and find a comfortable perch and get counting!