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Second-hand September
September 7, 2024Second-hand September, promoted and organised by Oxfam, encourages us all to say no to fast fashion and to choose a more planet-friendly way to shop. Pop along to Mearns library between 9th and 12th September and take a look at our ‘Shop for Free’ Accessories event. No need to donate… -
Community Garden Launch
September 6, 2024Our brand new Community Garden at Thornliebank Library is now officially open! The torrential rain did not dampen our spirits or stop local school pupils, volunteers and community leaders from coming along on Monday to the open day. Thankfully the rain stayed off while pupils from Thornliebank primary visited and… -
June 26, 2024We are excited to be working with ApparelXchange, a social enterprise dedicated to reuse, repair & recycling for childrenswear. Their mission is to reduce the impact of clothing on our planet. Across 8 libraries, we have clothing bins available to collect all types of unwanted clothing & footwear, including school… -
Library Garden so far…
June 10, 2024It’s been a little over 18 months since we started work on the outdoor space at Thornliebank library garden so we thought we would share some before and after pictures to show some of the work done to date! -
World Environment Day
June 5, 2024It’s World Environment Day- a chance to consider the adventurous ways that we can take sustainable action and feel all the benefits. Great news-we have rolled out the Seed Library and it is now running from Clarkston library and Mearns library as well as the original, Thornliebank Library. We are collecting seeds,… -
Accessories Swap
April 12, 2024As part of our Earth Day activities we are running an Accessories Swap shop! If you have unwanted but good condition accessories, you can take them along to Clarkston Library between now and 22nd April and we will display them on the night in our pop-up swap shop. Come along… -
Shelf Life
January 25, 2024We have received some extra funding as part of a National project called Shelf Life. Libraries across Scotland will be encouraging people to join the climate-change debate with funding from SLIC and here in East Ren we have some great activities to encourage people to get involved, learn, chat, discuss… -
Halloween Pumpkins
October 30, 202330th Oct 2023 It is spooky season and everywhere you look there are Jack ‘O’ Lanterns adorning doorsteps and windows ready for Halloween. In the UK alone, we buy around 24 million pumpkins just for Halloween and more than half of us will simply throw them away afterwards. A whopping… -
Marvellous Mosaic
October 4, 20234th October Isn’t this mosaic just fantastic! Following on from the previous blog post- some of the creative pupils visited us at the library to unveil the Eco Mosaic for the garden that they created as part of the Eco Camp. The mosaic, based on the Root Cause Logo, was… -
Eco Camps
August 1, 202301st August 2023 During the school summer holidays, our Arts and Heritage Team in partnership with our libraries delivered our first ever Eco Art and Drama Camp. The week-long camp took place at St Clares & Calderwood Lodge Primary, linking up with The Root Cause project throughout. Arts, crafts, design,…