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Gooseberries Galore!
June 12, 202312th June 2023 Just look at the crop of fruit on the Gooseberry tree! It is so rewarding to see the first of our crops growing after all that beautiful sunshine we have had. The cucumber plant is sprouting nicely and the first of the tomatoes are now appearing, but… -
From one community garden to another
May 31, 202331st May 2023 There are lots of wonderful Community Gardens across East Renfrewshire and Eaglesham Community Garden is just one such example. A sparse area of ground at the rear of Eaglesham Carswell Hall has been transformed into a hive of growing activity thanks to the hard work of two… -
Community Spirit
April 19, 202319th April 2023 We got a lovely surprise visit today by Joseph, Stuart and Stevie from Thornliebank Resources Centre as they came bearing gifts. The lovely folks down at the centre have planted up some beautiful planters to brighten up the front of Thornliebank library. The planters are in situ… -
Swinging with Orangutans
March 30, 202313th March 2023 Primary 7 pupils had a rare treat today as they got to swim with Manta Rays, walk beside elephants in Kenya and swing with Orangutans in the Jungles of Borneo… all with the help of Virtual Reality! Virtual Reality is a brilliant way to experience things that… -
Seed Library Launches
February 22, 202322nd February 2023 Library staff had a lovely time putting together the start of the Seed Library. Part of our wishes for The Root Cause Project was to establish a Seed Library for East Renfrewshire. We are collecting seeds, storing and giving out flower seeds to the local community for… -
Quick Pickles
February 14, 202314th February 2023 We just had to share this tasty recipe card for quick pickles that was added to Giffnock Library’s Eco Tips Wall. Yum! Do you have any recipe ideas that saves on food waste as well as the pennies? Pop them on to your library’s Eco Tips Wall… -
Big Garden Bird Watch
January 27, 202327th January 2023 Big Garden Birdwatch long weekend starts today. There’s still time to sign-up and take part. RSPB need your help- can you spend one hour between Friday 27 and Sunday 29 January counting the birds? If yes, you will be helping the RSPB to see how birds are… -
Digger is here!
December 11, 202211th December Groundworks has begun in the garden and this nifty little digger has done a brilliant job of preparing the grounds for a new accessible path and children’s section. Check back later for some ‘after’ photos! -
Eco Tips
December 8, 202208 December 2022 We have put up Eco Tips Walls for everyone and anyone to pop up their ideas, tips or even pledges that can help to make greener choices in everyday life. We have loved reading all of the amazing suggestions from the community and have picked out some… -
Water Pollution
November 16, 20224th October 2022 For Giffnock Library’s children’s event about water pollution, we explored facts in Giffnock’s junior non-fiction books. From here we made a big display wall naming different pollutants, alongside the things we could do to actively protect the environment. Finally, we built a water filter together, taking it…