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Minibeasts & Pebble Painting
November 14, 202214th Nov 2022 Thornliebank Primary 1 class and primary 7 helpers returned to the library as part of their ongoing Root Cause Project work. This week, we discovered some facts about minibeasts and how clever and helpful insects are for the natural habitat. Minibeasts often get a bad reputation as… -
Making Bird Feeders
November 9, 20229th November 2022 It was all about birds today when primary 1 class and some of the primary 7 class visited Thornliebank library. The temperature has definitely dropped so we chatted about how we can help our little winged friends to get food over winter. The children were brilliant at… -
Creative Writing Part 2
October 31, 202231st October 2022 Kirsty, one of the writers who came along to the creative writing sessions with Lesley has shared a piece with us. Taking inspiration from arrivals and departures from Giffnock train station and our sense of place. Train Arrival departure, small window of chance and chaos The platform… -
Swapping Books for Spades
October 28, 202228th October 2022 This morning, I donned my wellies and spent a lovely hour with colleagues from East Ren Council’s Environment team, Sam and Mark, helping them and other volunteers to plant the last of the remaining trees from the ‘Wee Woods’ project. ‘Wee Woods’ is a Cop26 legacy project… -
Creative Writing
October 14, 20225th October 2022 Lesley Traynor, published and passionate writer and founder of ‘Women With Fierce Words’ has just finished delivering a wonderful block of creative writing sessions as part of the project. We invited Lesley to write a piece for the blog about the sessions. Enjoy! Storytelling is a way… -
First round of Thornliebank Primary visits – May 2022
May 2, 2022Thornliebank Library welcomed each year group from Thornliebank Primary and ELCC over the month of May. This has been a brilliant way to share what The Root Cause project is, why it’s important and excitingly kick-starting the planning our community Gardens features and functionality! We recapped the wonderful Root Cause… -
Earth Day
April 12, 202222nd April 2022 To celebrate #EarthDay, the Root Cause project held a ‘Hairy Caterpillar’ and ‘Earth man’ event at Giffnock and Thornliebank Libraries, led by the brilliant Kay and Alan. The children got to make either a ‘Caterpillar’ or ‘Earth man’ out of grass seed and soil. They took them… -
Science Week – Food Scraps Anyone?
March 2, 2022March 2022 #ScienceWeek took place between 11th-20th March and we held a food scrap event for the Root Cause project at Giffnock library, led by the wonderful Briony! This event showed the children (and parents) how some veggies could be regrown easily from veg scraps, simply on the windowsill at… -
The Root Cause Project
March 1, 2022Welcome We were so excited to be successful with a funding bid to Scottish Library and Information Council to deliver ‘The Root Cause Project’. So…what is The Root Cause Project? Thornliebank Library has a lovely but unused outdoor space surrounding the building and we hope to transform this into a…