Gooseberries Galore!
12th June 2023
Just look at the crop of fruit on the Gooseberry tree! It is so rewarding to see the first of our crops growing after all that beautiful sunshine we have had. The cucumber plant is sprouting nicely and the first of the tomatoes are now appearing, but not quite red yet! The Calendula that we grew from seeds collected in now in full bloom as well and adding a nice touch of colour. If you haven’t been in the garden, do pop along to the library and take a look.
Now is also the perfect time to start gathering in seeds from plants that have finished their flowering for the year. We have added more yellow and orange poppy seeds to the Seed Library as well as some Grape Hyacinth seeds. Anyone is welcome to come along and take some home to scatter and grow! And if you have any self-seeding plants that you could collect seeds from, please do consider handing some in to the Seed Library at Thornliebank library and we will share with the community.