Local and Family History Services
Enquiry Service
If you can’t visit us in person, you can still get easy access to help through our enquiry service. Forward your enquiry to us by phoning 0141 577 3872 or emailing localstudies@ercultureandleisure.org, and we will carry out up to 30 minutes of research on your behalf, free of charge. 30 minutes is often long enough for us to either answer your enquiry fully or to give you an idea of whether our resources can help you through more detailed research.
After this you may decide to organise a visit in person to do further research. Alternatively, you can ask us to do further research on local history or specific family history questions on your behalf, for which there would be a charge of £10.00 per half hour. If you do ask us to do research for you, we will give you an idea of how successful we think it will be, how long we think it will take and you will be kept updated with progress throughout the enquiry.
Copying Services
We do not offer a photographic prints service. You can however order standard black and white printouts of photographs from our collection, subject to copyright law.
Microfilm Printouts
You can order black and white printouts of records held on microfilm, subject to copyright law.
Supply of images to Commercial Organisations
Supply of image (including electronic images) – £30.00 (This charge does not include the reproduction or postage costs)
Orders can be made by letter, phone, e-mail or in person. You will be asked to complete a copyright declaration/order form. Permission will generally be granted for private use only.
Payment must be made in advance. We currently only accept cash in our Heritage Centre but can accommodate card payments by arrangement.
We will provide as high a quality copy as possible. However we cannot accept responsibility for the quality of any copy, which is dependent on the condition of the original material.
We reserve the right to refuse to copy any material which may suffer damage from the copying process.
Donations and Collections
We are always delighted to receive photographs, archives and other items which relate to the history of East Renfrewshire and accept these in line with our collection policy.
We ask donors to complete an accession form. You can print off an accession from the useful documents section at the bottom of this page, collect one from the Heritage Centre or have one posted out.
Collection Policy
We endeavour to continue to collect material which will be of historical interest now and in the future. The extent and scope of this is detailed in our collection policy, an updated version of which will soon be available here. In the meantime, for more information about donating items or our collection policy please get in touch.
Contact Us
Email: localstudies@ercultureandleisure.org
Tel: 0141 577 3872
Amanda J Robb – Local Studies Librarian
Giffnock Heritage Centre,
Giffnock Library,
Station Road,
G46 6JF