Tablets and Ipads
Introductory tablet sessions (iPad, Android or Fire)
An introductory session for complete beginners to help you take the first steps in using an Apple iPad, Android or Fire tablet. Learn how to connect to East Renfrewshire Libraries’ free WiFi and browse the internet on your own tablet.
Bring your own device or use one provided for the session.
Follow-on sessions for complete beginners to help you learn the basics of using an Apple iPad, Android or Fire tablet, from switching it on and off to searching the internet and downloading apps.
Bring your own device or use one provided at each session.
Digital Magazines and Newspapers – PressReader
Save your pennies and read your favourite magazines for free on your tablet. Learn how to download, access and explore an exciting range hundreds of popular UK and International magazines and newspapers. Current issues and back issues are available at your fingertips.
Bring your own tablet (Android, Apple iPad, Fire).
E-books and e-audiobooks – BorrowBox
Learn how to download eBooks and eAudiobooks to enjoy on your tablet. Preview, read or listen to your choice of fabulous items from the comfort of your own home, on the move – wherever. Manage your account online too: borrow, renew, extend your loan without having to visit the library.
Bring your own tablet (Android, Apple iPad, Fire).
Find out more
Please contact us and ask to book a meeting with a learning advisor.