Making Bird Feeders
9th November 2022
It was all about birds today when primary 1 class and some of the primary 7 class visited Thornliebank library. The temperature has definitely dropped so we chatted about how we can help our little winged friends to get food over winter. The children were brilliant at identifying different birds including robins, blackbirds, chaffinches and blue tits and we learned about the foods to avoid giving birds such as turkey fat. Then it was time to make bird feeders or fat balls. The children had great fun filling old yoghurt pots with oats, grated cheese, seeds and topped off with melted suet. 40 pots are currently chilling in the fridge and we can’t wait to hang them outside in the library garden for the birds to enjoy over the winter months.
Top tips… you can freeze fat balls/ bird feeder balls in the freezer and take out when needed. If you have a pet dog, avoid using raisins/ sultanas etc as these are poisonous to dogs. Turkey fat doesn’t set the way other fats would and can stick to birds feathers making it hard for them to fly.