We are delighted to be working on an air quality project across libraries with funding from SEPA and in partnership with East Renfrewshire Council Environment team.
Between now and March 2025, we will be hosting a programme of events, activities and information awareness sessions across libraries to support the aim of improving air quality in East Renfrewshire. Interactive Storytelling, Environmental/ Nature Art workshops for adults, Animation Stories workshops for children plus author events will all form part of the programme and supplemented with opportunities to find out more about Air Quality and how we can all help to improve it. Contact libraries@ercultureandleisure.org for more information.
Everyone needs clean air to breathe healthy and to be healthy. Join Glasgow based creative practitioner and storyteller Andrew Wilson, for these magical workshops where we will weave ancient stories and nature-based art activities to explore how, when we protect the air and look after nature we are also looking after ourselves. children will leave with their own handiworks.
Monday 17th February/ 5-12 years/ contact the library to book your free space
Eaglesham library/ 10am – 11am
Busby library/ 11.45am – 12.45pm
Thornliebank library/ 2.10pm – 3.10pm
Neilston/ 3.50pm – 4.50pm
Tuesday 18th February/ 5-12years/ Contact the library to book your free space
Mearns library/ 10am – 11am
Giffnock Library/ 11.45am – 12.45pm
Clarkston library/ 2.10pm – 3.10pm
Barrhead Foundry Library/ 3.50 – 4.50pm
Join us for 4 nature-based workshops. Over four tutor-led sessions, you will have the opportunity to explore sustainable and nature based crafting and discover how to transform natural materials into beautiful pieces of handicraft . From foraging, natural dyes, botanical relief casting to mandala stone painting, these activities will give you an opportunity to connect with nature and develop your crafting skills in a way that promotes a sustainable future. Come along and enjoy the benefits of nature connection, creativity and environmental consciousness.
Giffnock Library/ Wednesdays 12th/ 19th / 26th February and 5th March/ 10.30am-12noon
Contact the library on 0141 577 4976 or email: libraries@ercultureandleisure.org to book, places are limited. Refreshments and materials will be provided/ FREE
Join us for this artist led, nature inspired art session, where we offer a relaxed and creative environment where you can let your imagination take charge. This session will give you an introduction to creating art and paints from materials found and gathered in nature, as artists did in days gone by. This is an opportunity to find inspiration from nature and to connect with our organic roots to create your own artwork. In addition to creating your own artwork we will offer a variety of suggestions for using nature supplies in your own creative work.
Thornliebank Library/ Wednesday 12th March/ 10.30am-12noon/ Refreshments and materials provided/ FREE
Neilston Library/ Tuesday 18th March/ 10.30-12noon/ Refreshments and materials provided
Contact the library to book your free space/ Thornliebank-0141 577 4983/ Neilston-0141 5774981
Come along to these free creative writing workshops with nature writer and educator, Saskia McCracken. Sessions are open to all levels and will give you the skills and inspiration to write stories, non-fiction and poems about nature, clean air, and what climate change means to you.
Clarkston Library/ Wednesdays 26th Feb, 5th, 12th and 19th March/ 10.30am-12.30pm/ 16yrs+/ Free/ Contact the library to book your space as places limited/ 0141 577 4972
In this workshop you will have the opportunity to design and create your own scrap-animation movie. We want to inspire you to reuse, change and adapt materials from nature, as well as recycled everyday objects, to create your own unique and imaginative short films! We will help you to make, write and animate your own short film using stop motion photography as well as giving you an introduction to using animations apps so that you can keep making your own animations long after the session has finished.
Contact the library to book your free space.
Barrhead Foundry Library/ Mon 10th March/ 5.45pm-7.45pm/ 8-12yrs
Mearns Library/ Wed 12th March/ 5.45-7.45pm/ 8-12yrs
Clarkston Library/ Wed 19th March/ 5.45-7.45pm/ 8-12yrs
Giffnock Library/ Wed 26th March/ 5.45-7.45pm/ 8-12yrs