Remembering Together
Our Covid Memorial Project
East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure invites you to attend our Remembering Together community session with artists Jeremy Cunningham and Nikki McGuigan. Jeremy and Nikki are designing East Renfrewshire’s Community Covid Memorials, funded by the Scottish Government. The sessions are open to all to attend, and will feature a short presentation of the journey from phase 1 to phase 2 of the project, the artists designs, a question-and-answer session and the opportunity to try your hand at some of the techniques our artists are using in their final memorials. You are welcome to stay for all or part of the session. Refreshments will be provided.
Wednesday 28th August
With artist Jeremy Cunningham
10am-12noon at Eastwood House
2pm-4pm at Dunterlie Community Centre, Barrhead
6-8pm at Eastwood Park Theatre gallery space
Tuesday 3rd Septempber
With artist Nikki McGuigan
10am-12noon/2pm-4pm at Eastwood House
Thursday 5th September
With artist Nikki McGuigan
2.30pm-4pm Dunterlie Community Centre, Barrhead