Performance Athlete Support Scheme
ERCL values the effort and dedication that performance level athletes demonstrate and the contribution they make towards inspiring others and representing our region and nation in their chosen sport. To support them in their journey, ERCL can offer the following depending on the level of performance during the year of application:
· All Access Card Concession – free access to selected ERCL facilities
· Financial Grant towards expenses incurred while training and competing
Applicants can apply for one or both of these by completing the form below.
Eligible athletes include individuals who are resident in the East Renfrewshire area and meet one or more of the following criteria:
• have been selected to represent their sport at GB, Scottish, regional or area level
• are championship winners at national, regional or schools level
• can demonstrate that they have the potential to compete at these levels
Please note that application forms must be accompanied by suitable supporting evidence such as:
· Squad selection letter, email or announcement from National Governing Body
· Webpage detailing results from official source (a screenshot with relevant section highlighted)
· Letter/email from National Governing Body verifying details provided in the application form
· Other publications from official sources
Supporting evidence should include dates within the past 12 months, name of athlete and clearly verify information given in the application form.
Key Dates
All applications will be assessed and applicants notified of outcome within four weeks of the following cut-off dates. Any applications submitted after these dates will be retained and assessed after the next cut-off date.
30th April
31st July
31st October
31st January