The Root Cause Project
We were so excited to be successful with a funding bid to Scottish Library and Information Council to deliver ‘The Root Cause Project’.
So…what is The Root Cause Project?
Thornliebank Library has a lovely but unused outdoor space surrounding the building and we hope to transform this into a community space for children and adults alike to enjoy. We are delighted to be working with Thornliebank primary school and the children are going to help us to design, create and look after the space, plant fruit and vegetables and create a little haven for wildlife.
We have taken inspiration from The brilliant Glasgow Seed Library and have plans to establish our own Reseeding Initiative here in East Ren, gathering, storing and, hopefully in time, sharing seeds with the community. More information will follow!
And finally, to celebrate and encourage community involvement, we will be running a year-long programme of exciting and interactive events and activities to raise the profile of sustainability and greener living for adults and children.
We are very excited to be able to share news, updates, tips and ideas here and look forward to working with the community to make a positive difference.